Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Twenty Days! Where has the time gone?

Our little babies are getting so big, so fast! We obviously do not have time to post on the blog as much as we would like. We enjoyed the long weekend and having Daddy home an extra day! He had to go back to work this morning. I have the boys fed and now they are resting. They are having some issues with constipation, but we are working on that. We tried pear juice, but it gave them terrible gas! We are going to switch to prune juice and if that doesn't work, try suppositories.

But, enough about poop.

On Friday, the boys and I went to their weight check. They needed to be back at their birth weight. Baby A, Zachary C. weighed in at a WHOOPING 7 lbs. 2 oz. and was 21 3/4 inches long!! His birth weight was 5 lbs. 15 oz. ONE POUND AND THREE OUNCES over! The pedi couldn't find his heart murmur at all (oh, how I continue to LOATHE the NICU...) His hearing was referred in his left ear and we have an audiologist appointment on June 3rd.

Baby B, Maxwell T. weighed in at a WHOOPING 6 lbs. 5 oz. and was ALSO 21 3/4 inches long! His birth weight was 5 lbs. 9 oz. ELEVEN OUNCES over. He passed his hearing test. Both of the boys do have closed tear ducts. Max's is the right eye, Zachary's is the left. We are massaging it, which has all ready made a huge difference. If they do not resolve by one year, we will see an ophthalmologist. Little overachievers!

We absolutely ADORE our pediatrician. She is amazing. She also has twins, 5 days apart. A biological son and an adopted daughter. We are so lucky that she can relate to us on so many levels being a parent of multiples. She knows the boys apart and is so sweet. :)

The boys ARE on the same schedule. I would not have it any other way and yes, I did it. (Lots of people said I wouldn't be able to put them on the same schedule, Ha!) They go to bed about 9:30 p.m., wake up at 12:30 a.m., 3 a.m., and 5 a.m. They get bottles, diaper changes and go right back to sleep. I let Dustin sleep during the week unless I really need his help, but last night, at one awakening, I had both babies fed, burped, changed and back in bed in TWENTY minutes. Made me feel a bit like super mom!

Thank God for Boppy pillows, which allow me to feed both boys at once. I am not breastfeeding. I tried until 11 days and my milk never came in. The boys would NOT latch on after having bottles (again, thank you NICU), so, I was pumping. It was literally all I felt I did, pump, pump. I was alone with the boys one day & pumping, they started to cry and I was unable to pick them up & hold them. We were supplementing with formula anyway (and rotating the breast milk every other babe, every other feeding). I couldn't do it, I cried while they were crying and the pump has been in the bag ever since.

We are loving our family of 4! Our hands are not that full. We are not exhausted. We are not overwhelmed. We are full of love and joy. It is not "so hard." Someone told me right before I had the boys that everyone who says how hard it is doesn't have twins and she was right. It is always people of single babies (who I think are rather cute!) that think how "hard" it will be to have to. It isn't. We do everything twice.

The boys are so sweet together. I love watching them interact and grow.

I will attach pictures now.

Love to All,

----Dustin is convinced now that I call myself Mommy all the time that I will go out in public for something like a doctor appointment and say, "Mommy has an appointment at 2 p.m." ------ :)


Erika said...

Sounds like you're all doing wonderfully!

Bekah had constipation due to the type of formula she was on - so you might want to try changing their formula and see if that helps with the constipation.

She was on Enfamil and only pooped once every 5 days! We changed just that and she was pooping every day - so it definitely helped.

CrazyMom said...

OMG!! Good question, where has the time gone?? The boys are absolutely gorgeous- congrats to them for almost losing their cord stumps! lol

Those little foot pics are just amazing. ::melts in seat::

Thanks for sharing and {{BIG HUGS}} and oh yeah, congrats again, "MOMMY!"

Tina said...

I am beyond happy for you! They are absolutely precious. I love that you are doing so well, and kudos on getting them on the same schedule! You really are supermom!

Loved the comment you left on my FB about Gabriel could be a Grieser twin. LOL... Guess they liked showing their boy bits too, huh? Take care, and know that you are thought of and prayed for daily!