Friday, November 21, 2008

Whew! 12 weeks tomorrow!

I can not even begin to explain the relief that I am feeling being lifted off our shoulders as tomorrow I will be at the 12 week mark! After having a miscarriage, the only pregnancy outcome we know is a negative one. We have never been pregnant with a baby at the end. We don't know what that is like... In January, we weren't able to see a heartbeat, or bring a baby home from the hospital. The only experience we had was a really insensitive doctor, dropping hormone levels and empty arms after a D & C. This time is different, this pregnancy is different and each & every day is such a blessing, such a miracle & an amazing answer to so many prayers and so many tears.

Yesterday morning, after work, I got out the doppler and was able to hear two separate, distinctive little heartbeats. They are right next to each other (how sweet, our babies like each other!!) I wish Dustin would've been home to hear them, but I did record it on my phone and text it to him. Technology is so cool!

I was scheduled for a First Trimester Screening next Wednesday, Nov. 26th at the Maternal Fetal Medicine Center at the University of Minnesota that I canceled. We discussed it and we would NOT abort, no matter if there was a "problem" or not. The "problem" that they look for is Down's Syndrome. We talked to Dr. Roberts about it also, and she didn't deem it necessary.

I did talk to the receptionist about scheduling my 18 week ultrasound at the University where we will find out the sexes! I see from the poll most are voting boy/girl (myself included). We won't bank too much on the results and the nursery will be gender neutral. That ultrasound will be right after New Year's.

The latest thing around here is blaming things on the twins. For instance, Dustin turned the thermostat down to SIXTY this morning (I like it more like SEVENTY or more... I did grow up with wood stove heat!) And when I asked him who turned the heat down because the babies were freezing, he blamed the left twin. Well, then, the right twin turned that sucker right back up!

Thanks again for following us. Watch for belly pictures coming soon!

Love to All, The Grieser's

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